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Strategies & Tips

When students complete the DAACS SRL assessment or receive a summary report they are presented with tips, or strategies, they can use to be successful. This page lists all the strategies that students may receive. The headers link directly to the SRL Lab for that domain.

  • As you work on an assignment, ask yourself “Am I learning what I am supposed to?”
  • After you complete an assignment, ask yourself, “What was the most important thing I learned?” and “What can I do better next time?”
  • Keep a list of learning strategies that seem to work best for you.
  • Ask yourself these questions while you listen to lectures, read texts, and watch videos: “Am I learning the material? Is anything getting in the way of my learning?”
  • Make two lists: One list of tasks that you do well, and another of tasks with which you struggle. Then, explore the

    monitoring section of the SRL lab for recommendations for dealing with the tasks on the second list.

  • Ask yourself questions before you begin a learning activity: “What am I expected to do? What approach to this work can help me do well?”
  • Brainstorm multiple ways to approach an activity and then choose the best option.
  • Ask your teachers questions about tasks and new material.
  • Identify and write down the specific things that give you trouble, and ask your advisor for suggestions for getting assistance.
  • At the start of a course, ask your teacher and advisor about the best ways to contact them (e.g., office hours, email, course website, phone call).
  • Advocate for yourself – be persistent if your first attempt to get help is not successful.
  • Set rules about “do not disturb” times for others in your house.
  • Turn off your cell phone and other technology.
  • Identify 2-3 comfortable and quiet study places so you have multiple options.
  • Set aside regular times to complete your work and stick to your schedule.
  • Prioritize your assignments: Make sure you complete the most important tasks first.
  • Estimate the time it takes to complete assignments and then check to see how accurate you were.
  • Study course material over several short study sessions rather than one long session.
  • Use practice quizzes or tests to check your understanding of course material. Restudy only the material you got wrong.
  • Elaborate on information by using concept maps or making summaries.
  • Use relaxation techniques to reduce uncomfortable feelings and to increase your focus, as needed.
  • Say positive things to yourself about your likelihood of success.
  • Create schedules and plan study times so you don’t get anxious about being able to do what needs to be done.
  • Don’t worry about how others perform; focus on your own growth and learning.
  • Focus on your improvement and progress rather than a single grade.
  • View mistakes and errors as opportunities to improve.
  • Think of a challenge as an opportunity to learn rather than something to overcome.
  • View mistakes as a natural part of learning.
  • Pay attention to the things you say to yourself. Remind yourself that you can improve if you just keep trying.
  • Feel prepared by practicing assignments and quizzing yourself when learning new information.
  • When you are confused about something or don’t know how to proceed, ask for help from your professors, peers, advisor, or your college’s tutoring center.
  • Complete tutorials on how to use your learning management system (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle).
  • Get acquainted with the layout of your courses at the beginning of the semester, and do not hesitate to email your professor if anything is unclear or confusing.
  • Write down specific, short-term goals that you know are attainable, and note when you meet them.
  • Identify a specific reading strategy you want to try out. Try it several times and reflect on how well it worked. If it didn’t help, try different strategies until you find one that works for you.
  • Check out the

    Online Writing Lab for some helpful writing tips.

  • Reach out to your college’s writing center to schedule an appointment/consultation.